- Click here for II. La parte de escuchar (los Personajes)
- Click here for III. La parte de escuchar (el video)
- Click here for the conversación interpersonal
Click here to see suggestions/resources to peruse for
the weekend before the test.
- Look at slide #2 in the presentation to see what our goals are with this cortometraje/story. The evaluaciones will probably be next Tuesday. You will have lots of time to practice and prepare in class!
- Finish speaking, listening, and drawing with the papelitos. If you come across new words, you should look them up and write them on your drawings. (palomas, cerca...)
- When you finish, watch the video Kitbull.
- With your partner, review the slideshow with screenshots and try to retell the story.
- If you have time, look at the back of the San Francisco gatos page that we did and start to organize your speaking evaluación
WEEK of lunes, el veintinueve de abril
- You will be using lots of brain power and Spanish in class on Tuesday and Wednesday when you do the practice exam.
- (We will start this in class on Monday) Finish looking at the Temas pages:
- 2-5
- 87-89
- 154-157
- 170-171
- 197-199
- 212-214
- Interpersonal Speaking Practices (all of the audios from the workbook are here)
- Here is the AP Central Website where you can find practices, samples, etc. (what you have seen in class)
- Here are the audios for a whole bunch of Temas practices! Feel free to email if you want to check answers.
WEEK of lunes, quince de abril
- Edpuzzle with Pablo! (for cultural knowledge): Semana Santa
- Edpuzzle with Pablo! (for cultural knowledge): Carnaval
- Listen to the Ejemplos - Comparación Cultural
- Practice Selección Múltiple - Temas Workbook - Ciencia y Tecnología
- Section B - p. 98-100
- Section C - p. 139
- Here are the audios.
- Creat a Quizlet with 20 words.
- Practice Selección Múltiple - Temas Workbook - Ciencia y Tecnología
- Section B - p. 101-102
- Section C - p. 140
- Here are the audios.
- Interpersonal Speaking Practices (all of the audios from the workbook are here)
- Coming soon... a Radio Ambulante guide: Recién Llegados
- Here is the AP Central Website where you can find practices, samples, etc. (what you have seen in class)
- Here are the audios for a whole bunch of Temas practices! Feel free to email if you want to check answers.
WEEK of lunes, el ocho de abril
- Do pages 16-20.
- Optional all week: If you have time (or just want to practice), do the Interpersonal Conversation (as a practice) on page 202 in the Temas Workbook (click here for audio).
- Do pages 21-23.
- Do pages 24-25. Here is the video. The man is Scottish (I think), so Spanish is not his first language.
- Review last night’s homework (p. 24-25) with your desk group.
- Prepare for el Seminario Socrático (Monday).
- If you have time, prepare notes for el ensayo comparativo (you can use notes when you do this in class on Tuesday).
- Nada!
- Pages 10-15.
- Read it aloud!
- We will do another practice Conversación Interpersonal (somewhat related to the movie).
- Pages 13-15
- Page 4 in packet. Take your time and do this thoughtfully. You will be able to use it on the ensayo comparativo at the end of the unit.
- We might do a practice Comparación Cultural (related to the movie).
- NEXT WEEK Pages 26-TBD
- If you need help, here is the slideshow.
WEEK of lunes, el veinticinco de marzo
- This Interpretive Listening packet for Belleza y Estética Contexto: "La moda y el diseño (links are in the doc).
- Frida Kahlo - Booksnap, post de Instagram, y/o meme sobre lo que leemos en esta presentación.
- Also, don't forget about the cultural comparison - due Thursday - and the ensayo persuasivo - due Friday
- Seniors - You can work on these in class on Wednesday.
- DUE THURSDAY (nothing due Wednesday because of SATS):
- Interpretive Listening packet for "La arquitectura" (audios están enlazados en el doc)
- Seniors - you can work on this in class on Wednesday.
- Frida Kahlo - Booksnap, post de Instagram, y/o meme sobre lo que leemos en esta presentación.
- NOTE CHANGE: Cultural Comparison - recorded ON your grabador - Either #8 or #9 on page 217 of the Temas workbook.
- Talk for DOS minutos only!
- Please see page 4 here for the rubric. I meant to review this with you, but forgot!
- Fix Ensayo Persuasivo. Make sure you use the sources:
- Pages 183-184 in the Temas workbook and here is the the audio fuente.
- Make sure you are addressing the question with your position: ¿Es la cirugía plástica una solución para el problema de la baja autoestima?
- We will probably do an Interpersonal Conversation practice on Friday.
- Lista de vocabulario
- Frida Kahlo - Booksnap, post de Instagram, y/o meme sobre lo que leemos en esta presentación.
- DUE MONDAY, 4/1/19 - Algo muy grave va a suceder en este pueblo
WEEK of lunes, el dieciocho de marzo
- Write your question(s) IN ENGLISH (we are going to do a translation/grammar exercise) this doc.
- Do the Belleza Interpretive Activity Packet (multiple choice practice). The vocabulary activity, the graphs and the audio link are in this doc.
- Work on your presentación sobre un artista del mundo hispanohablante!
- Frida Kahlo - Booksnap, post de Instagram, y/o meme sobre lo que leemos en esta presentación.
- Practice, a few times, SAYING your presentación sobre un artista del mundo hispanohablante!
- Go somewhere quiet, stand up, be confident, and pretend you are in front of the class. Practice OUT LOUD!
- Try to use your notes as little as possible.
- This might be awkward, but this is how you get good at presenting.
- Frida Kahlo - Booksnap, post de Instagram, y/o meme sobre lo que leemos en esta presentación.
- This Interpretive Activity Packet about El Arte Urbano (the links are in the doc) is due FRIDAY.
- NOTE ----> Please spend some time on this activity OR come see me during TASC if you need help! I am correcting the Belleza multiple choice and I am thinking more time needs to be spent on this... How do we get better at listening?!?! BY LISTENING!
- Practice SAYING your presentación sobre un artista del mundo hispanohablante!
- Frida Kahlo - Booksnap, post de Instagram, y/o meme sobre lo que leemos en esta presentación.
- The Interpretive Activity Packet about El Arte Urban (the links are in the doc)
- Here is the presentation with Carlos, in case you want to view it on your own :) If you do watch on your own, please let me know because I am interested to know how much you understand.
- You can also use this as WEEKEND TAREA if you want! I imagine you will watch the videos a few times to really understand them.
- MONDAY NIGHT: Work on your presentación sobre un artista del mundo hispanohablante!
- Try to get a good chunk of the research done tonight.
- Remember, you will have other homework tomorrow and Wednesday night!
Tarea para cada fin de semana ~ haz clic aquí. *Le daré el formulario en clase*
WEEK of lunes, el dieciocho de marzo
Sub Plans for Friday, March 15
Sub Plans for Friday, March 15
- Do the Ensayo Persuasivo on pages 183-184.
- Tema del ensayo: ¿Es la cirugía plástica una solución para el problema de la baja autoestima?
- The sources are on pages 183-184 (or here dos fuentes escritas) and here is the audio fuente.
- Make sure you are using your own Spanish, which is at the intermediate proficiency level and still contains errors!
- Weekend Homework:
- Reread your Seminario Socrático notes and be prepared to discuss 3 Bellezas on Monday!
- And the usual weekend homework
- Have extra time and need a brain break?!? Check out !Corre! !Dibuja!
- I look forward to being back and seeing you all on Monday!
Sub plans for Thursday, March 14
- Take an AP workbook from the back of the classroom. There should be a stack of them near the printer.
- Read pages 212-214 in the workbook. These are tips for the comparación cultural.
- Read the rubric for the comparación cultural on page 224. You don't have to read the whole thing, maybe just the 4 and 5.
- Read the vocabulario on pages 225-226 and write down 20 words that you think will be useful.
- With a partner or your table group, prepare some notes for the comparaciones culturales - numbers 8 and 9 on page 217. When writing notes, think about specific cultural products, practices, and/or perspectives that you have learned about (3 Bellezas, revistas, música, tarea de fin de semana, etc.). We will go over these next week.
- Do the practice multiple choice activities on pages 40-41 (and 42-43 if you have time). Remember, read the questions first! Also, you don't have to (and won't) understand everything!
- Homework: Prepare for the El Ensayo Persuasivo, which you will do in class on Friday. You will be able to review the resources and prepare notes for this. Question:
- Read pages 170-172 in the workbook - these are tips for the ensayo persuasivo.
- Tema del ensayo: ¿Es la cirugía plástica una solución para el problema de la baja autoestima?
- The sources are on pages 183-184 (or here dos fuentes escritas) and here is the audio fuente
- I will be out tomorrow (Friday) too :( because my husband is having surgery. Please do the ensayo persuasivo and turn it in to the sub.
- On Monday, we will do the Seminario Socrático, so make sure you review your notes for that.
- Weekend Homework:
- Reread your Seminario Socrático notes
- And the usual weekend homework
WEEK of lunes, el once de febrero
- Prepare for the Seminario Socrático. I highly recommend reviewing all the pages in the packet.
- Read pages 212-214 in the workbook (you will get this on Wednesday) - these are tips for the comparación cultural.
- We will be practicing a couple of comparaciones culturales in class on Thursday.
- Prepare some notes for numbers 8 and 9 on page 217. When writing notes, think about specific cultural products, practices, and/or perspectives that you have learned about (3 Bellezas, revistas, música, tarea de fin de semana, etc.).
- In class on Wednesday, we will also be doing a couple of practice multiple choice activities related to the theme of Belleza y estética... but you can't really prepare for that!
- **CHANGE!** I will be out on Friday (my husband is having cirugía), so this will be DUE FRIDAY:
- Read pages 170-172 in the workbook (you will get this on Wednesday) - these are tips for the ensayo persuasivo.
- Prepare for the El Ensayo Persuasivo, which you will do in class on Friday. You will be able to review the resources and prepare notes for this. Question:
- Tema del ensayo: ¿Es la cirugía plástica una solución para el problema de la baja autoestima?
- I will give you paper copies of the fuentes on Wednesday, but in the mean time, here are the dos fuentes escritas and here is the audio fuente
DUE MONDAY, 3/11/19
- Do the Mariel - entrevista - comparación cultural - Make sure you refer to the comprensión part to help you with this.
- Tarea de fin de semana haz clic aquí --- If you are interested in watching something related to our currrent unit, check out "To be a miss" on Netflix.
- Also, I am pretty sure that we will be able to finish 3 Bellezas on Monday (we have about 30 minutes left). So, we will do the Seminario Socrático on Wedensday... hopefully! I would prefer to do it then, because the other option is Monday (since we will be missing three people on Thursday and Friday). Monday (and Tuesday´s) homework will be to prepare notes for the Seminario Socrátic (see description, rubric, etc. here).
WEEK of martes, el cinco de febrero
- Do pages 11-14. This article is related to the movie that we will be watching.
- Reread and fill in the missing words on pages 25-26 - only the first SIX bullets. Here is the slideshow if you need it.
- Work on the Mariel entrevista (due Friday) in NHAP (Voces).
- NOT DUE -- Save this for otro día ----> Finish pages 6 and 7. Do page 8. Make sure you re-listen to the song!
- Do pages 15-18. Video: tinyurl.com/Carlos-Caridad-Director
- Reread and fill in the missing words on pages p. 26-28 - only the first three bullets. Here is the slideshow if you need it.
- Work on the Mariel entrevista (due Friday).
- Possible Tarea del Fin de Semana:
- Este podcast related to 3 Bellezas (you can listen AND read the transcription)
- Check your answers from last night's tarea.
- Do pages 19-24. Debes ver los videos 2 o 3 (o más) veces para entenderlos bien.
- Video: Isabella Rodríguez es la nueva Miss Venezuela | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo
- Video: Isabella Rodríguez, la Miss Venezuela que creció en una favela y quiere un cambio en su país
- Para el número 9 en la página 22: este video o este número(Don't spend too much time on this! Just once is fine)
- Reread aloud and fill in the missing words on page 28. Here is the slideshow if you need it.
- Do the "Mariel Entrevista" activities in NHAP (AKA Voces). See foto below if you need to. Do the "Comparación Cultural" on paper por favor! This part can be due MONDAY.
WEEK of lunes, el dieciocho de febrero
- VACATION WORK --- Here is the link to the podcast. And here is the link to packet in case you misplace it.
- Finish the four Las redes sociales activities. (Some we did in class) ------>
- Attempt to problem solve the Conversación if you had problems. Maybe use a different browser or a different computer? You can have until next Wednesday (during vacation) to submit this.
- Do Nuestro ejercicio: Conversación (under subtema la geografía humana). Remember: try to speak for only 20 seconds - I want you to get used to what that feels like. Make you read the introducción and how you will have to respond.
- Finish the The Interpretive Listening and Reading: Fundación pies descalzos activities ----->
- For the selección múltiple, you have two attempts this time.
- Read about the email task and write down the vocabulary. Review the AP Spanish Language and Culture rubric that I gave you (or see here on page 1).
- We will do the email in class tomorrow -- so you can preview it tonight if you want.
Do the Nuestro ejercicio: Correo electrónico on paper por favor!- DUE TUESDAY:
- Do the remaining activities for Interpretive Listening: Visa H2 Trabajo temporal en los Estados Unidos. Please note, you will only have ONE submission for the multiple choice ---- I want to see where you are with that aspect of the test. I recommend that you read the questions before you do the listening (you will be able to do this on the test!) I also recommend that you watch the video a couple of times! And then, maybe even listen to the audio again -- This is how you get better at listening - by listening more!!
- antes de escuchar
- las palabras claves
- Nuestro ejercicio...
- Después de escuchar
- Also, do the Conversación after (if there is no audio, unfortunately, you don't have to do it tonight, but will still have to do it --- I am working on this!). Actually, don't do this... I want to give you feedback tomorrow on the first one that you do, so you can improve on this one! But you might be able to preview it... if I can fix it!
- Make sure you are keeping track of new vocabulary as you do these activities! List due Friday.

WEEK OF lunes, el once de febrero
- DUE MONDAY (2/18/19):
- Tarea para cada fin de semana ~ haz clic aquí.
- Read this story (only on pages 1-5) --- it has to do with our canción de la semana (there are kinda dos canciones).
- DUE EVERYDAY: Answer Pregunta del Día / Contraseña del Día (see above). I will put a new question at the top every day --- only answer that one!
- Lista de vocabulario.
- See below... but basically, be ready for Ensayo Persuasivo!
- Look at "The Conversation Task" -- it gives you some importante vocabulario!
- Do Nuestro Ejercicio: Conversación.
- Do two of the "La comunidades educativas" activities: Probably the "Palabras claves" and the "Nuestro ejercicio: Kichwa".
- DUE THURSDAY (if we have a Blizzard Bag day on Wednesday, this is what you will do. Don't leave this ALL for Wednesday night!!):
- Read (most of this in English!) about the Ensayo Persuasivo and how to write an introduction. The ensayo that is 12.5% of the AP Exam. You will be doing one in class on Friday. It will be related to the Tema of Las Familias y Las Comunidades: La Estructura de la Familia. You will use notes and vocabulary that you prepare ahead of time. Write down the vocabulario útil in a section titled Ensayo Persuasivo.
- DUE FRIDAY (if we have a Blizzard Bag day on Wednesday, this is what you will work on):
- Prepare for the Ensayo Persuasivo: in class on Friday. Do these activities ON PAPER (not in Voces) for Friday. You can use all of this and the vocabulario útil while you are writing your ensayo persuasivo in class. NOTE: When reading to the two sources and listening to the one source, just try to get the gist, you do not need to understand EVERYTHING.
- Go to Voces and do the four assigned Familias a la mexicana actitivities (see ---->).
- Do the Antes de leer on the website (it is a survey).
- For the Palabras Claves activity, do the activity on paper and translate the sentences in the caja verde (that we did for the Running Dictation).
- For the multiple choice questions, for each question, write down which answer was was the easiest to eliminate.
- For the Después de leer, you will record yourself. Try to speak for 1-2 minutes
- DUE FRIDAY: Textivate for Cuento/Canción de la semana. Textivate username is kingswood2 and passwords here.
- DUE EVERY FRIDAY: Weekly vocabulary list of 20-30. Do this as you go!

WEEK OF lunes, el cuatro de febrero (Don't forget about what is due Friday! It will get buried a bit as the week moves on.):
- DUE EVERYDAY: Answer Pregunta del Día / Contraseña del Día (see above). I will put a new question at the top every day --- only answer that one!
- DUE MONDAY: Weekend homework. Haz clic aquí. Choose something that you enjoy! And make sure subtitles are in Spanish! You will not understand everything, but that is okay, try to get the gist! Also, I added this:
- ¿Quieres ver más Pablo? Ve a su canal Dreaming Spanish en Youtube. Tendrás que ver 4-10 videos (dependiendo de la duración). No tienes que ver los subtítulos con sus videos porque habla despacio (haz clic aquí para aprender lo que dice Pablo sobre eso).
- Also, for the grammar part, I made a little change, see updated copy here.
- (Don't do this Thursday's class, because I need to explain some things to you first) Re-do the ONE of the Comparaciones Culturales on paper for eitherYamileth and Imane entrevistas. Before doing this, you should rewatch the video and review your comprensión answers.
- Finish the Textivate and page 1 of La Plata (see below ~ been ongoing all week).
- Una lista de vocabulario nuevo - Think about (and/or review) the resources that you have seen/heard this week. Create a vocabulary list of new words/expressions that you have learned this week. The list should include a minimum of 25 words. You need to write the Spanish and the English. The list of words/expressions can (and should be!) include conjugated verbs. For example: Te lo presto = I lend it to you.
- There will be a 15 point evaluacioncita tomorrow about the story for "La Plata". It will include some grammar (past perfect).
- There will be a 50 point Interpretive Listening/Presentational Writing evaluación Friday as well. It will be another Entrevista, but you will not have to do the Comparación Cultural. You will have to finish it in the time before lunch (Do you best to get it done then! If you feel that was not enough time, we can talk)
- DUE THURSDAY: Login to Nuestra Historia para Aprender y Preparar (Voces) our AP Textbook.
- Ladrillo a ladrillo: Reread the story "Ladrillo a ladrillo" and do activities 1 and 2 (you don't have to do 3 and 4 yet!).
- Two Interpretive Listening entrestistas (the activities are much easier!): Mi ciudad natal and Un viajero ---------->
- Note: On Friday, you will do another entrevista activity and it will count as an Interpretive Listening evaluación... so how do you improve your Interpretive Listening skills?!? By taking your time and listening to things several time, which I think many of you have done this week!! Buen trabajo!! Note: You will NOT have to do the Comparación Cultural part --- we need to discuss that a bit and I need to give you some guidance! :)
- DUE WEDNESDAY: Login to Nuestra Historia para Aprender y Preparar (Voces) our AP Textbook. Tonight you will do another interpretive listening activity, very similar to the activity with Yamileth, but this team you will listen to Imane. Make sure you do it in this order. Take your time, write complete sentences, and use accents (in the future if you don't use accents, you will lose points for spelling). I recommend Googling or Youtubing instructions (if you spend more than ten minutes searching, STOP! Come see me tomorrow during TASC); it is different for each computer. If you come to me during TASC, I can show you how to set it up on the Chromebook (or you can Youtube it).
- DUE TUESDAY: Login to Nuestra Historia para Aprender y Preparar (Voces) our AP Textbook.
- Class ID: VOCESU83035
- Your password is your school id.
- Please see the calendar for assignments. Make sure you do it in this order ---------------->
- The homework will get you familiar with the AP Temas and some Essential Questions. You will also be listening to a native speaker and trying to interpret what he is saying. (Note: this does not mean understand 100% of the words he is saying!)
- Want to get a head start on Tuesday's class? Review these words on Quizlet.
- DUE FRIDAY - song/story of the week:
- Review the story with the slideshow and fill in page 1 of the handout with the story/song .
- LOGIN to Textivate: see username and passwords here.
- Then, come back and click on this link: Textivate Sequence (there are four activities) for La Plata story. If you don't login first and then come back here to get to the activity, it will not be logged and you will not credit.
- There are four activities in the sequence. FYI: Textivate saves the activities (so you can finish one, come back later and start on number 2), but it does not save if you leave during the middle of an activity.
- This Textivate Sequence is extra credit. There are two activities in this Sequence.
- On Friday: There will be a small evaluacioncita about the story. You will have to use some of the grammar in the story (conjugated verbs on page 1) in context.
- ONGOING: Vocabulario: This Quizlet and this Gimkit have lots of vocabulary from our first unit. I highly recommend reviewing the words.

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